Been a while....

Hi all,

Its been a while. I will be honest this past year has been hard. Energy shifts have been a lot and since Covid and lockdowns, everyone is over the novelty of Crystals now. The internet is filled with more forgery than ever. Fake crystals being sold left, right and centre - even from supposed trusted sources. Fancy nails and pastel colours does not mean ethical crystals! So many spiritual accounts are being cloned for fraud. There is constant competition and pressure to stay relevant. To be honest its very draining. I have always been true to me and I cannot change who I am to keep up with the competitiveness. I am grateful for the continued support from you and I trust that those who are meant to find me will always align with me and my account,

So what is next for Sister of the Moon? I am working on healing the inner child which hopefully I can bring your way, a crystal ebook, email subscription readings and more. At the moment I am also being mother and wife so its been a long journey and so progress on this isnt as speedy as I would like. I truly believe taking my time is better than rushing and things not being something I take pride in and can use to help others and better those lives.

Again, thank you.

I send everyone taking the time to read this love and light.

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